Wednesday, March 10, 2010

lives untold

I penned down this, just with a heavy heart & breathless mind.. The other day, I was being in a school named "Mercy" which we cannibals call as "School for Mentally Retarded Children" or I would say, "Asylum of Mischief by The Almighty"

..let my tears.. not bleed my words..!!

The board reads "Mercy"..'n
Yes, for the sake of converse..
Maze leads to meadow..of
utter mishaps 'n grieve..

Came a lad to greet me..
drooling with slaver..which
was his bouquet to me..;
took that as a pretender..

Stole my hands in his..;'n
shared his lunch to me..!!
Rushed others, ; insane..
What they quoth My rescue.

Then my eyes bit a kid..'n
my words hit anew him..
Nor turned or listened..but,
was muttering to infinite..
Image Courtesy:-Buddham's Web Blog
Could see a girl chortling-
all the while..'n her-
laugh had pushed her
teeth a bit.. apart..;
Saw a lady aside..alive..
as a drizzle of tear..
Who clutched her gravely..
The Womb she slept..

Bedaubed his face, came a boy.
to embrace me... Blocked
a man by what he -
called "Bedraggled Boy"

'n so as to bleed me..
Saw some cannibals again.;
Striving hard to click..
these rare creatures..

Staring eyes wounded me..
but nor them..'cos
don't know Humans 'nor
The Devils Alive..!!
Tell me ; Whom to blame..??
Warmth of Womb..??
Hands of God..??
Or my Organ of Sense..??

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


She too is a teen…’n
Not so that she…anew..
Nor even in an Hovel..
Pure in the street she born..
Still beneath a shade..
In the same street.. ‘n
Exposed to rain ‘n roar ’n
Bloody Humans….

And the same creatures…
Enmeshed her..’n
Entombed her Virginity..’n
Expunged her smile…
The fat one crushed her lips..’n
The pervert; en-wrapped hips…
The other grabbed her frock..’n
The other.., frizzed her hair…

And when one, zipped trousers..,
Threw some coins…
And the other.. had her a bit..
‘n gave a cloth to survive..

Still she lives… beneath shade..
With another Life..’n
Perturbed mind…
By feeding the life of anonymous…

And.. When night creeps…
Still the shadows come up…
To crush again ‘n again…
The Glorified Humans..!!

Image Courtesy:- Baristanet.